Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Brick Wall

This is the wall I have reached.  I am trying to play with the format of this blog and getting extremely frustrated.  Ergo the wall.  Until I can figure out my formatting issues you will not have the pleasure of looking at a lovely background to go with our lovely posts.

On a totally different note--Joey and I got this really cool table at a local thrift store.  We plan to use it during summers for meals or fun projects outside.  Go here and scroll down for a while to find the picture.  its even created by a Milwaukee color--the only exception is that ours is a sunshiney yellow colour.  You're all welcome to share mini picnics with us any time:)  
We also found a REALLY cool purse that Joey bought for me because I've been feeling short on purses as of late.   The brand is Carpetbags of America and it is vintage 60's and beautiful.  It is an olive green shoulder purse with a chevron shaped fabric enhancement at the top.  If you look them up online most are kinda ugly-I like to think that mine is the most beautiful one.  If I can find the darn camera I'd post the picture of it.

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